On earth as it is in heaven

The Societal Architects’ Tribe
On earth as it is in heaven

As we look at the Lord’s Prayer (Matt 6:10),  part of that prayer says “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  That single line alone has the potential to have a life changing impact on how you pray and how you see things here on earth. Jesus is saying he wants earth to resemble heaven. and He is commissioning us to pray in this same way.  How can that be possible?If you see something on earth that you believe isn’t the way it would be in heaven, then you need to begin to pray and believe it is not God’s will for your life or the life of the one you are praying for. God is Holy and good and there is no evil in him. He cannot give to us what he himself does not have in him. It is the same for us, we can not effectively  give to others what we have not received from him.  We must shift our mindsets to begin to look and see the things on earth as they “would be” in heaven, and pray to that effect.

Jesus’ prayer shows that God is very interested in what happens on earth It’s His earth and He has a plan for it. Heaven is full of blueprints for the world.  As Societal Architects we must ask God to show us these heavenly blueprints  so we can implement them so his will be done on earth as in heaven.

Dr. Kees-Jan de Maa