If you can change the way you think, you can change your life!

Do you know that the decisions you make are according to the options you know?

Your expectations and choices depend on what you expose yourself to. Your options are limited by your knowledge and understanding. On the other hand, the more you expand your knowledge and understanding, the more options you will have!

As your mind expands, your vision expands, and your vision is what determines your destiny. Be certain of this, you can obtain what you envision!

Have you seen the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness", based on the astounding true story of millionaire investment broker, Chris Gardner? Gardner, played by Will Smith, was going through difficult and impoverished times. One day, he began to see how some people lived in abundance. So tired of his lifestyle, he became determined to pull out of the hole where he was stuck both financially and professionally, and for the sake of his young son. He decided to break out of the limitations that surrounded him.

We see in the movie how he persevered until he attained what he had envisioned. He thought, if others could do it, he could too. When he became inspired, he worked hard to make it happen. Impossibilities became possibilities because he changed his perspective.


Your future depends on the way you think. How are you going to achieve something you do not envision? By acquiring knowledge and understanding!

We invite you to participate in the next bi-monthly courses of our University of Social Architecture so that you can expand your vision and be more effective.

Register now! The course begins on April 29th and ends on June 23th.

Note: If you are a new UAS student, we recommend you start with the course, "New Identity in Christ". However, you have the option to take whichever course you desire.

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