Discover who you really are!

We all want to know who we really are, how we are wired, why we do what we do, and how to become a better person. If I know who I am, it helps me understand what my highest and best contribution in this world should be. It also helps me recognize and understand how others are innately wired, and helps improve the way I relate to others. Starting at home, in my relationship with my spouse, children, family and friends. I learn how to honor their unique contributions. FREE CVI.001 2.jpeg In the course "Discover your Innate Core Values", you will learn how you have been created and how your unique Human Operating System works. Your will discover your Innate Core Values that represent your contributions God has created you with. Contributions He wants you to maximize and use.

You will also learn to see and control your deepest fears. Fears that trigger you to step into your conflict strategies. You will learn about your unique learning style, unique from any other.

Click on the image to learn more about this unique course.

Click on the image to learn more about this unique course.

It will provide so many answers to questions you have, and provide a guide for what you were created to do. This understanding will help you find the perfect place for you to work in. That unique place in society that you were created for. It will lead you to personal excellence and help you live a fulfilled life, your place of your highest and best contribution in this world.

The University for Societal Architecture has the enormous privilege to work together with Mr. Lynn Taylor, the founder of Taylor Protocols Inc.™ who created the CVI™ in his turn-around management business.

The Core Value Index™ (CVI™) is a revolutionary assessment tool that reveals the innate nature of a person and their core motivational drivers. The CVI™ provides a 97% repeat-score reliability, year over year.

You can take the FREE Core Values Index Assessment and discover your unique innate core value minutes. You will be amazed at its accuracy. (As part of the course fee we will upgrade your free CVI™ to the Comprehensive CVI™ ($50 value))

Take advantage of this unique opportunity and discover who you really are.

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