We are all called

The Societal Architects’ Tribe
We are all called

I remember when I gave my life to God, I was 11 years old. My mom had returned from a prayer meeting in the traditional church in Holland; she sat on the edge of my bed and started talking about Jesus. I opened my heart and from that moment, I knew God had forgiven my sins and I had become a child of God! I felt clean and that is how I started a new life, not knowing how to live it; everything was so different to what I had learned in the traditional church. From that moment on, I started thinking about what my destiny was, and God’s calling and purpose for my life.

As I had grown up in the traditional church, I now started to develop a personal relationship with God. It went beyond the tradition and liturgy. It was a new way of living life. One I had not seen lived out by many others yet within the church.

Back then, we were taught that if you were called, you served in a ministry. Meaning behind a pulpit or somehow in an existing “Ministry”. All others who did not serve in a “Ministry” worked in the “secular” world, and was not really considered a calling. Even though we were all a part of God’s kingdom; but being in the “ministry” had a special or higher value. 

I believe that God is showing us that we are all called. The apostle Paul explains that Jesus gives different gifts to people with the purpose of fulfilling specific functions, and we all have a specific role and function in His Kingdom Plan.

I want to encourage you today to think about your destiny and your calling. Ask God if your destiny is where you are currently working. If so, ask Him to help you; talk to Him and say, “Lord, maybe I am not a pastor or ministry leader, but I am called and can be a Daniel or a Joseph with the capacity to hear Your voice and be used by You where you have placed me.”

We are all called by God, we are a part of the body of Christ (His church), where we have a special place to operate and serve society.

 You are anointed and called in a special way to be used by God supernaturally.
Let Him use you!


Dr. Kees-Jan de Maa