Do you really know the true meaning of "Being a New Creature in Christ"?

What a great privilege God has given us “in Christ”!

When we receive Jesus Christ as our Savior, God gives us the right to become children of God, born of the spirit, and from that moment on everything changes.

“Wherefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old things are passed away; behold, they are become new.” 2 Cor. 5:17

When we confess our sins, God declares that we are without condemnation and without guilt of sin. We have been cleansed and He has positioned us in His righteousness. We are no longer sinners, but children of God!


As His children He gave us an inheritance just as he gave an inheritance to Jesus. We are co-heirs with Christ! Since the very first moment of our new born life we nter in a covenant relationship with God. This gives us the rightful access to all of God’s benefits he has given us in Christ.

Just as Christ died and rose from the dead to new life, our old “man” died and rose to new life “In Christ”. On top of that God seated us with Christ in his throne. Our condition and position have completely changed. God has made us Kings and Priests.

What do all these truths mean to us?

Because we often do not understand what Jesus did for us, or understand the position He has given us in Christ, we live at a lower level than what God says about us and wants us to walk in. The enemy always tempts us to doubt who we truly are in Him, so we will not walk in the potential that He has placed within us.

God wants us to think and live as He thinks about us, so we will operate from our new status, position and authority He has given us, so that we may live and manifest what He designed us to be.

Dr. Candy de Maa